The smartwatch will be available for purchase on Amazon on May 24. Customers may get it at a special launch price of Rs.1499, down from Rs.5,999. It will be offered in five different colour options: silver grey, deep wine, jet black, space blue, and rose pink.
The smartwatch will have a 1.81-inch display with a brightness of 500 nits. It has over 100 watch faces and sports modes. It will include health monitoring tools, an AI voice assistant, and Bluetooth calling with an in-built mic and speaker. The dial pad and recent call logs will be accessible via the smartwatch, and users will be able to add their favourite contacts on the watch.
The smartwatch will be made of metal, and the health monitoring functions will include a 24 hour heart rate monitor, SpO2 monitor, and sleep monitor. The smartwatch will also include built-in games, and the NoiseFit app will allow you to manage it.