Renowned tech journalist Mark Gurman has recently unveiled Apple’s plans to introduce a commemorative smartwatch named the Apple Watch X sometime within the timeframe of 2024 to 2025, possibly as early as next year. This launch is intended to celebrate a decade of the device’s existence. Gurman’s insights suggest that the special edition Apple Watch X will not merely receive incremental updates but will undergo a substantial transformation, potentially making it the most extensive overhaul in its history. Drawing parallels with the impact of the iPhone X’s introduction, which brought the distinctive notch design to the iPhone series, Gurman hints at a similarly significant revelation with the Apple Watch X.
Allegedly, the forthcoming Apple Watch X is set to feature a slimmer chassis along with an innovative band system. Consequently, the existing Apple Watch bands, which have remained compatible since the inception of the inaugural Apple Watch in 2015, might not be suitable for use with this upcoming smartwatch.
According to Apple insiders, Gurman revealed that the company is considering integrating a Magnetic Band Attachment System into the Apple Watch X for practical reasons. The current band mechanism takes up valuable space, which could be optimized for a larger battery or redesigned internal components. The presence of this new attachment system in the Apple Watch X, however, remains uncertain.
The Apple Watch X might potentially mark the company’s debut into microLED displays and blood pressure tracking within a smartwatch.