OnePlus is finally launching its first tablet around 2023. OnePlus Pad is rumoured to have Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 processor. It is the same processor that supports the OnePlus 9 Pro tablet is said to have a 12.4-inch OLED screen with 2K resolution and a 120Hz refresh rate. The tablet will have Android 12 operating system.
The device is said to have a dual rear camera setup. It is rumoured that primary camera might be 13 MP and secondary camera will be 5MP. It is said to have 8MP selfie camera.
OnePlus pad is said to be backed by a 10,900mAh battery. It is also said to support 45W fast charging. The tablet also has 6GB RAM and 128GB of internal storage. Lastly, we expect the OnePlus Pad to have a similar design to the realme Pad X and the OPPO Pad Air.